Saturday, March 10, 2012

In Like a Lion

March certainly has come "in like a lion."

What a month this is turning out to be. We have been working, now in full force alignment with ACCESS FREEDOM which has been a raging success. We attended the Justice Conference in Portland Oregon and had a chance to meet with some professionals who have been working in this field for many years. Their model is one that we aim to replicate so it was a wonderful chance to get some direction on our next necessary steps and to get encouragement that we are still on the right track. Thank you Portland Abolitionists. Aside from that meeting, we sat at the conference supporting our friends at Engedi House raise awareness and funds for their project of opening and running a safehouse here in Whatcom County. It was a wonderful weekend talking with those like-minded and like-hearted folks, many who have made working for Justice, their life's work, not just a fad hobby that lasts a year. Inspiring and invigorating to sit in a room of 4000 people, listening to an 80-something year old theologian pick apart the words "righteousness," and "justice." I certainly left with a lot to think about.

Greeting us upon return to our little Bellingham, was a film screening of the documentary Sex + Money which our wonderful interns, Kali Rasmussen and Stephanie Hawney worked tirelessly to organize and host. It was a great success. We nearly filled up a large lecture hall with folks from all walks of life (not just students), curious about what Sex Trafficking looks like in the United States. I had not seen the documentary before that night but was completely impressed with the message, the skilled journalism, and the applicable call to action at the end. The night ended with a Question and Answer session where we fielded questions about what work is happening in this community. Thank you all who came out and who helped make this night a success.

As we continue to strategize and work towards getting prevention curriculum into the schools in Whatcom County, Access Freedom is further developing and solidifying into it's new structure. Please take this chance to visit the REAL website:

or find them on FACEBOOK.

Cameron continues to run the Restoring Innocence Task Force bringing together integral role players from the social service world of Bellingham; working together to properly identify and respond to the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth. He will be working with the Center for Child and Youth Justice in the Policy Makers Summit in April for the attorneys, commissioners, and other decision makers for our city.

So what's ahead for March you may be wondering?

Aside from the regular trainings....both receiving and giving, we are ramping up for the Awareness/Benefit Concert on April 6th. This will be a donation only concert at the FlatIron Woods Coffee Shop in Downtown bellingham. 3 local artists will be performing and the majority of the proceeds will go to Northwest Youth Services, the only service provider in Whatcom County to serve the homeless youth population.

You can also find more info at Access Freedom's Facebook page!

At the end of March, the National Association of Attorney General's will be holding the 2012 Presidential Initiative Conference in Seattle. PILLARS OF HOPE.

We will be there, representing Whatcom County and learning more about what is happening state wide and nationally.

As always, thank you all so much for continuing to read, pray, support, and as questions about this work that we're doing. We know that it is not a cheery subject or one that most people want to talk about. It means the world to us that you are willing. There are kids out there that thank you too. We are honored to get to work for justice specifically in the lives of youth most often forgotten about.

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